Tuesday, August 09, 2005

AW Pink Quote

"The Word of God may be taken up from various motives. Some read it to satisfy their literary pride. In certain circles it has become both the respectable and popular thing to obtain a general acquaintance with the contents of the Bible simply because it is regarded as an educational defect to be ignorant of them. Some read it to satisfy their sense of curiosity, as they might any other book of note. Others read it to satisfy their sectarian pride. They consider it a duty to be well versed in the particular tenets of their own denomination and so search eagerly for proof-texts in support of "our doctrines." Yet others read it for the purpose of being able to argue successfully with those who differ from them. But in all this there is no thought of God, no yearning for spiritual edification, and therefore no real benefit to the soul."

AW Pink - Profiting from the Word


At August 10, 2005 2:33 PM, Blogger Joe L. said...

Nice quote Doug. The rest of the book is excellent as well. Pink, much like Calvin, is ID'd as always talking about predestination and election, yet, the majority of his writings are about God, redemption, and the sanctification of Christians.

At August 10, 2005 8:53 PM, Blogger JIBBS said...

This quote is a great reminder, Doug. I'm glad you referred to this Monday night. Our time Monday was the most edifying I've had this summer. Can't wait for Saturday!

At September 03, 2005 10:55 PM, Blogger Aspiring Girl said...

check out "our accountability to God." I love it. Pink has fast moved up my list of favorite authors.


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